5 of the Scariest Ski Runs in the World
If you are looking for a bit of an adrenaline rush on your next ski holiday check out these scary ski runs, we think they are the scariest in the world....

Sometimes there are moments in life when you wish you were somewhere else.
That’s the feeling adrenalin junkies are looking for at the top of a harrowing ski run. Some of these runs don’t pose too much difficulty for the most experienced skiers.
But underneath the bravado, each skier will be experiencing the same sweaty hands, butterfly stomach and racing heartbeat, as they take a deep breath, and drop in...
Delirium Dive, Sunshine Village, Banff, Canada.
Delirium Dive is a restricted ski area on the north face of Lookout Mountain at Sunshine Village ski resort Banff, Alberta. It's so scary that ski patrols insist you carry a shovel and wear a radio transponder.
Corbet’s Couloir, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Corbet's has a worldwide reputation as the run that every hard-core skier must do once in a lifetime. When you push off to begin this run, you drop into a 20-foot freefall, followed by a 45% slope.
Before there was Extreme Skiing, there was Corbet's Couloir in Jackson Hole. First time tourists crawl to the lip, look over and begin to hyperventilate.
S+S Couloir, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
S+S Couloir in Wyoming opens with a thirty foot drop into a rocky chasm. It’s so dangerous that you will need permission from the ski patrol to try it, if it’s open.
Black Hole, Smugglers’ Notch, Vt.
The Black Hole, which lies between Liftline and Freefall, adds the challenge of trees to ice falls, ledges and stumps. It’s the only triple black diamond trail in the eastern U.S.
La Grave, France.
While it doesn’t actually mean “The Grave” the translation is something along the lines of “serious stuff”...
Grand Couloir, Courchevel, France.
This is the widest and easiest of the infamous trio of Courchevel couloirs and the only one currently marked as a run on the piste map. Out of the cable car you navigate a 200 metre ridge with steep rocky drop offs on either side. This is followed up by a steep chute that even experts have been known to snowplow down and finally teeth chattering bump field.