Reasons for Warm Clothing & Protective Gear in the Mountains

Yeah, we all know skiing is super fun. Nothing beats the adrenaline rush you feel rushing down snow covered slopes at high super speed. But what about warm clothing and of course protective gear before you even get on the slopes?
Skiing is a cool sport, but it could also be a really dangerous one, so it’s only natural that your parents want to pile loads and loads of protective gear on you: Helmet and Googles and Bindings and Mittens and loads and loads of sweaters and warm clothing…
Kevin at ski package deals provider White Road captures the essence of the issue perfectly, ”it all seems oh so exhausting and sometimes they make you feel like a man on a moon mission with all your layers and layers of clothing and protective gear. But there are good reasons why you should probably go with your parents’ opinions when it comes to the ‘’there’s never too much protective gear’’ debate.”
Here are 5 of them.
Plenty of Clothing
The layers of clothing (sweaters, jackets, ski pants, neck warmer etc.) protect you from hypothermia when skiing, and frostbite. Hypothermia is low body temperature that occurs from prolonged exposure to cold. Hypothermia causes death in some situations and frost bite freezes up body parts (especially your feet). So your layers of clothing, are doing you a huge favour by keeping you warm and saving your feet. So pile on more, Kid!
Protective Gear
Protective Gear protects you from ski injuries: Like with everything else, accidents happen sometimes while skiing and sometimes protective gear could save you from life-threatening injuries. Wearing a helmet for example could protect you from a serious head injury if you happen to slip on the icy slopes. Michael Schumacher’s accident shows no one is immune to bad luck on the slopes. It is best to be as protected as possible.
The Handy Mittens and gloves: They might not look super cool, but the most important thing is that they do their job: keeping your fingers warm. Remember the frostbite!
Goggles and Glasses
The Super Googles and Sunglasses: Even your eyes stay safe when you protect them with Goggles and sunglasses while skiing. You might not notice, but the sun’s rays hitting the white snow directly is a serious threat to your eyes. The googles also protect your eyes from stray branches of tress as you ski.
The Skis
Your skis should be your size so they can be super easy to control so no, getting larger skis doesn’t make you look more grownup. It’s actually more dangerous as the larger the ski, the faster it goes and it makes it more difficult to handle, especially when you are not a Pro and that could just be a terrible accident waiting to happen. So don’t feel bad when Mom and Dad are trying to get you a ski that is more appropriate to your skiing ability. They are just being safe.
In Summary
So there you have it, five reasons why you should never slack on your protective gear. All said, have a great ski trip and don’t forget to have fun and stay safe.