No Insurance Cover?
Skiing without adequate ski insurance is never a good idea. You may be an amazing skier but another skier could crash into you and your subsequent medical bills could be huge. Don't take the risk, get insured, it doesn't have to cost the earth and you will have complete peace of mind.

Are you mad? If you're an avid skier or snowboarder then it is essential you have ski insurance that will cover you whilst on holiday.
Making sure your ski insurance is the right level for what you're doing is essential - and there's a lot of travel insurance policies taken out by skiers and snowboarders that are inadequate for them.
As we all know, winter sports are inherently more risky than regular holiday pursuits so you need to ensure you get the right cover for all possible eventualities :
See that you are covered for extra travel expenses or accommodation if your arrival or departure is delayed by more than 12 hours due to avalanche. And, when on the mountain, try not to make very loud noises!
Cover should be provided in case your trip is cut short by returning home earlier than the planned date of return.
Inability to take part in winter sports activities
If you are unable to ski due to illness or injury, then be sure that any lessons, ski equipment and ski passes are covered on your policy.
Piste closure
Cover is typically provided where skiing is prohibited for a period in excess of 12 hours but check the insurance policy to make sure.
Search and rescue
It's an idea to be covered for search and rescue - regardless of the circumstances under which you might go missing.
Your own ski equipment
Cover is typically provided for skis, ski sticks, ski bindings, ski boots, and snowboards.
Ski equipment that you've hired
Cover is typically provided for any damage caused to hired ski equipment.
Replacement ski equipment hire
Cover should ideally be provided for ski equipment hired due to loss, damage or delay of the insuree's own ski equipment.
Your ski pack
If you are unable to ski due to illness or injury, then any lessons, your ski equipment and ski pass would be covered on your policy.
After-care for your achey bits
You can be covered for physiotherapy costs upon your return to the UK for injuries sustained whilst on your winter sports break.
Final Note
As long as you have adequate travel insurance cover then you can happily tear down the mountains to your hearts content, safe in the knowledge that heaven forbid if the worst happened, your savings will not be dealt a hefty blow. One last thing to consider if you are an extreme skier or snowboarder is looking at buying life insurance, especially if you have family. Insuring your own life is cheap, easy and one of the most important things you can do to protect your loved ones.